Whitelands College Guild
The Association for all Whitelanders
Keep members informed and in touch
Twice a year a Newsletter packed with information about College, Year Groups, Branches and members is posted to all full members.
Organise reunions and special events
A get-together of members is organised each year. The reunions alternate between
Whitelands and other venues across the country. Information and booking forms are mailed to members with their Newsletters. Local Branches organise a range of visits and activities throughout the year. We also facilitate specific Year Group reunions (often on May Day) and other special events such as the Millennium May Day Celebration Lunch.
Raise money & give it away
We provide comforts and financial support for any Whitelander who is in need and we also provide funding to aid students, past and present, with special projects. Recently we helped sponsor a student on a reed-boat expedition down the waterways of South America. In the
last few years we have helped current students by providing bursaries to those with restricted incomes.
What we do