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Whitelands College Guild

The Association for all Whitelanders

Whitelands College Guild is registered with the Charity Commissioners as charity number 293628 and therefore our activities have to be approved by them each year.

Our registered objectives are:

  • to assist in the relief of the charitable needs of any Whitelander
  • to assist in the provision of Christian education
  • to promote the religious and educational activities of Whitelands College

A “Whitelander” is defined as any present or past student or member of staff of Whitelands College.

Whitelands College Guild is funded by the generosity of its members. Many members

make donations to the various charitable funds over and above their subscriptions. In addition the Fund Committees, Year Groups and Branches also raise funds in numerous ways to enhance the balances further. Whitelands College Guild has been fortunate in receiving many legacies from members and these greatly enhance our reserves. Our

present reserves, together with donations and fund-raising, allow us to use between £4,000 and £6,000 per year for our charitable objectives.

All our charitable giving is authorised by the Trustees. The distribution of funds for charitable purposes is organised by a charity giving committee operating the Benevolent Fund and the Missionary Fund.

We are a charity